If you develop products for industry, you probably know what role particles play in it. Particles and powders are an important basis for products in various industries. Solids Solutions is involved in powder and particle technology and researches the properties of these, so we know how the particles can be applied in the right way. With this knowledge we help product developers when they get stuck in the process. Determining particle size by sedimentationAn effective way to determine the size of particles is sedimentation. In the case of sedimentation nanoparticles, the sedimentation rate of the particles in a certain liquid is measured. Based on this, the size of the particles can be calculated. Because the differential centrifugal sedimentation nanoparticles takes a long time, a laser is used nowadays to work with time intervals. In this way, the location of the particles can be determined at specific moments during the sedimentation process. Calculating the particle size of powdersDynamic light scattering is used to calculate the particle size of powders. This also uses a laser beam, but then to illuminate the particles when they are scattered in a specific medium. From the scattering pattern, information can be obtained about the size of the individual particles. Solids Solutions eventsSolids Solutions can advise you if you get stuck in the development of a product, but we also share our knowledge in other ways. You can visit our Academy for various seminars, presentations and events in the field of particle and powder technology. If you want to read about our research and findings yourself, you can visit the Knowledge Centre. Here you can request various articles and publications to delve into. On the Solids Solutions website you can find more information about our research methods and working method. |
https://www.solids-solutions.com/ |